Shifting gear to the
next era.
On the road, on water, or in the air – move on through to the next era. Our e-Fuels can change mobility as we know it.

We produce sustainable and affordable ready-to-use e-Fuels for the mobility sector and transportation industry.

SAF – synthetic kerosene
Sustainable Aviation Fuel is defossilized kerosene. It reduces the carbon footprint of air travel and and enables the transformation of aviation.

Synthetic fuels for internal combustion fleets
It feels good to know that cars, trucks and smaller planes will remain mobile with climate-friendly e-Fuels and avgas as long as needed.

E-Fuels in Shipping
Future shipping without harmful fuels in the tank: e-Diesel and e-Methanol move climate-neutrally on rivers and at sea, even off green corridors.
Only Pro’s, no Con’s
Net zero through defossilization
Our synthetic fuels are made from recycled CO2and renewable energy. Even though combustion releases the CO2again - since the carbon is recycled, the balance remains neutral.
Transformation towards climate neutrality
E-fuels and sustainable kerosene play a crucial role for decoupling mobility from fossil fuels – especially wherever there are limitations to electrification.
Quality guaranteed
Just open the flap and fill up with carefree e-Fuels. This is possible, since all the fuels we produce are drop-in capable. They can be mixed with conventional fuels and do not require any adjustments to engines, logistics or infrastructure.
Reliable outlook
CO2 and renewable energy: These two central components of our synthetic fuels can be recycled. Unlike finite fossil energy sources and raw materials. Once production is under control, availability and prices remain stable.
Get your e-Fuels
Contact usYou are interested?
Are e-Fuels or SAF a solution for your needs? Do you have applications where our synthetic fuels improve your carbon footprint?
You know the quantity needed?
You can estimate how many tons of alternative fuels you need per year or do you need professional exchange on the topic?
Let's start talking!
Get in touch with us. We are happy to look into your inquiry, clarify all open questions and submit a tailored offer.