INERATEC wins Landespreis Baden-Württemberg
INERATEC wins first place at the Landespreis Baden-Württemberg 2022! We would like to thank L-Bank, Staatsbank für Baden-Württemberg and the patron of the award, Minister President Winfried Kretschmann, very much for this award. We are proud that the topic of eFuels is gaining more and more attention thanks to INERATEC's pioneering work. With our technology, ships and airplanes can refuel "renewable energy" and save CO2 at the same time. As a team, we are doing our part for a sustainable future. After all, "the greater our economic success, the greater our contribution to the energy transition," explains our CEO Philipp Engelkamp.
Read more in the BNN article: Karlsruher E-Fuels-Pionier Ineratec gewinnt Landespreis (bnn.de)

The INERATEC team at the award ceremony. From left to right: Dr. Patrick Rapp (Minister), Dr. Linus Schulz (INERATEC), Philipp Engelkamp (Managing Director INERATEC), Mario Pistorius (INERATEC), Johannes Heinloth (L-Bank).