IC Insight
IC Insight: A look behind the scenes at INERATEC
Interview with Isabel Fisch, PR and Communications Manager
In our new IC-Insight we present you an exclusive video interview with our PR and Communications Manager, Isabel Fisch. She provides fascinating insights into her diverse tasks and her experiences at INERATEC.
Isabel is the driving force behind our external and internal communications. Not only does she look after our social media channels and maintain close contact with the press, but she also brings a particularly strong passion for strategic communications. In addition to her demanding job, she is currently completing a part-time master's degree in Strategic Communications and PR to continuously expand her skills and put them to use at INERATEC.
Don't miss this exciting video! You can watch it right here on our website. We are proud to foster motivated employees at INERATEC and look forward to more exciting projects and developments!
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