SAF-production unit from INERATEC delivered to Synhelion
Milestone for carbon-neutral transportation
INERATEC delivers a Fischer-Tropsch plant to liquefy Synhelion's sustainably produced syngas. With a plant for the production of renewable Fuels, INERATEC is significantly contributing to sustainable mobility on land, sea and air.
The vision: carbon-neutral transportation with sustainable fuels. The transport of INERATEC's plant to its destination represents a milestone in achieving this goal. Even before commissioning, the plant has come a significant way, from construction at the production facility in Karlsruhe to the operating site in Germany.
Synhelion produces renewable syngas from solar heat and CO2 in the first industrial plant currently under construction to produce CO2-neutral solar fuels, which is then liquefied into synthetic fuel in the Fischer-Tropsch plant. These synthetically produced fuels can directly replace fossil fuels.
With this synthesis technology, INERATEC provides a key to climate-neutral aviation and, together with climate pioneers such as Synhelion, is revolutionizing the industry with sustainable solutions.